From the module options


Go in the module Maximenu CK >> Source tab >> Menu >> Edit

module menu option

It will open the popup where you can manage your menu easily. You will see each link, with many settings : title, description, columns, submenu width / height / position ..

submenu module menu manager

You can put your mouse over each icon to see the tooltip with the details.

Double click on the title to edit it (or click on the pencil icon), you can then click on the tick icon to save it

You can write your description immediately in the field, it will update accordingly.




From the menu item options


Go in the Joomla menu manager, select the parent item (where your submenu is located) and edit it.

In the menu item edition you will find the additional Maximenu CK tabs, where you can play with many settings. Go in the tab Maximenu CK Params to get the same options as for the general settings : title, description and much more

menu item options

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