Joomla compatibility : Joomla 5 (compatibility plugin) Joomla 4

Custom content module with parallax backgrounds

Custom Parallax CK is a custom content module that you can use to add a nice effect to your Joomla! website by using some moving backgrounds. Create your content and animate it with a parallax effect.




Custom Parallax CK has an image manager with drag'n drop where you can select your image and order them easily. You can choose up to 3 background images and set the animation options for each one.

  • Adjustable animation speed
  • Drag'n drop image manager
  • Displays the content with animation when scrolling
  • Custom content with an editor
  • Custom content by loading another module
  • Options to position the text in the area
  • Options for the height, background color, text color ...
  • Unlimited layers (Pro version, limited to 3 layers in the free version)
  • Up to 4 aligned modules (Pro version)
  • Options to set a delay before animating the title and content (Pro version)
  • Mobile options : set the resolution when to switch the layout, set a specific font size (Pro version)

The module will take place in any template into all the place that is allocated. That means that if you have a fullwidth template position you can use Custom Parallax CK to have a fullwidth parallax module and then give a bigger value to your website.


Hey this parallax is cool !

You can use this module to write your own content using an editor, or load a module from the list.


Demo of Custom Parallax CK Pro



Hello I'm Dolly

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam iaculis, est vel tincidunt lobortis, sem nunc accumsan ligula, sit amet fringilla velit urna ut enim.



Hello I'm John

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam iaculis, est vel tincidunt lobortis, sem nunc accumsan ligula, sit amet fringilla velit urna ut enim.



Hello I'm Betty

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam iaculis, est vel tincidunt lobortis, sem nunc accumsan ligula, sit amet fringilla velit urna ut enim.



Hello I'm Mike

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam iaculis, est vel tincidunt lobortis, sem nunc accumsan ligula, sit amet fringilla velit urna ut enim.


Preview of the parameters of Custom Parallax CK

Easy interface to add your images and sort them with Drag and Drop. You can click on the image preview to open the Media Manager and select the image you want to use, or write the image path directly on the right.

preview custom parallax module layers


You can choose what you want to load as content into your parallax area :

  • a single module
  • custom content where you write what you want in the editor
  • a row of aligned modules, and select how many modules to load

For each module you can select the module to load from the list of all published modules on your website

apercu custom parallax module 2 en

For each module loaded in the parallax area you can choose many options

  • Text for the title
  • Title color and alignment
  • Content color
  • Which module to load
  • Direction of the animation
  • Delay for each animation


preview custom parallax module settings



Light version

3 layers

Custom title and text

Background color option

Load custom text or module

Up to 4 aligned modules

Add, move and remove unlimited slides

Responsive options

Forum support

Use on multiple domains

1 Year updates


Pro version

Unlimited layers

Custom title and text

Background color option

Load custom text or module

Up to 4 aligned modules

Add, move and remove unlimited slides

Responsive options

Forum support

Use on multiple domains

1 Year updates

19 €



Release notes (click to show) :

VERSION 2.0.2 - 26/08/24
  • Fix issue with space in image path
VERSION 2.0.1 - 28/09/23
  • Fix PHP warning
VERSION 2.0.0 - 07/02/22
  • Add compatibility with Joomla 4
VERSION 1.1.1 - 15/09/20
  • Add compatibility with Watchful update
VERSION 1.1.0 - 15/09/15
  • Recode Javascript for a better responsive behavior
VERSION 1.0.2 - 23/06/15
  • Fix issue with thumbnails in admin
  • Fix issue with html code not correctly saved

Fast and powerful creation, customizable and responsive.

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